Welcome, Wilkommen, Welkom

what initially started as a blog for those south africans that could not attend our german wedding, developed into a tito developing blog and then a georgbiography. it is, well, whatever.

ps. if you were sent here by natasha, this is entry she wants you to read.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tito week 13 & 14 (a medium size shrimp swimming in a large grapefruit)

Tito's mom must be suffering from pregnancy dementia. Tito's mom and her friend Thys went to see Tito at what we believed was a 13 week scan. [interlude: the scan on the right explained: the yellow is the head, the green the body, and the big red thing? the feet...) It turns out it was the 10 and a half week scan, although thankfully everything is perfect. Then Tito's mom thought she already DID a week 12, only to find out now that it was only a week 10 and 11. So, anyways, there is a lot to catch up on...

Tito can now be convicted of a crime, having fingerprints and all, and is starting to look less like an alien with the body growing faster than the head. If Tito is a Tita, then she already has 2 million eggs in her ovaries (how tiny they must be!!). At the end of week 13 (now) Tito is about 7.5 cm long and weighs 30 grams.

The week ahead will see Tito pulling faces - frowning (like grandpa) and squinting. Tito will also learn to peepee. Clever Tito might also already be a thumbsucker. Tito is growing at an exceptional rate, tiring mom a bit. At the end of week 14 Tito will be 8.5 cm and a whopping 45 grams. Tito should also have a neck. Oh, and taking after dad, Tito is growing some hair, or lanugo all over Tito's body.

As for mommy - she's got a tiny tummy which can be mistaken for a fat belly by strangers... she's still waiting for the time of comfort and the surge of energy to spill over her, but until then she'll still take 2 cat naps during the day. She's also finishing her doctorate, which adds to the fatigue (and also the reason for some absenteeism...)

Dad is also happy to be united with The Family In Making, and jumped onto the pregnancy wagon by promising not to drink (in solidarity with mom) until Tito is born. A promise that is very hard to keep (also seeing as it was made in an attempt to end a disagreement...). Especially since it seems that Köln just beat M'gladbach on home turf... We'll see. Mommy is looking forward to a proper glass of champers on the day of Tito's birth, which is still 26 weeks away. Till then, she'll marvel in the wonderful wonders of a 2003 sparkling mineral water...

Prost, till next time.

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