Welcome, Wilkommen, Welkom

what initially started as a blog for those south africans that could not attend our german wedding, developed into a tito developing blog and then a georgbiography. it is, well, whatever.

ps. if you were sent here by natasha, this is entry she wants you to read.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tito the fig

So, what's happening this week?  Well, Tito went being the size of a grape two weeks ago to being the size of a fig.  If you ask me, that's a lot of growing to do in fruit terms!  Tito is almost human and will soon be able to say amandla with a closed fist.  Ok, perhaps not quite saying it, although, of course, Tito is exceptionally clever with Tito's genes and all... but the hands will really soon be able to open and close in a fist (which, if we were to raise the kid violent, will leave you with the choice of a bitch slap or a butch punch...with no reference to Tito's sex what so ever!!)
We are also making teeth this week, hopefully molded on daddy's!  Unfortunately they will not be out already, no, the pain of that awaits us around my birthday next year (1 x sleep deprived 30th please.  without fries)...on the other hand, with reference to the breastfeeding thing, it is probably not the worst idea... they wait for your tities to toughen up before they take it to the next level...
Tito can also now do some Yoga, or water yoga to be precise, which is what mommy also hope to do in the next two weeks, provided that the temperatures in Stellenbosch lifts above subzero.  Otherwise, you know, that sore-tities-thing might come a lot sooner than she's expecting.
Other than that Tito is starting to hiccup too, which mommy is convinced is contagious, since she finds herself making the funniest of noises in the quitetest of moments.  Tito is now a whopping 4.5cm, clocking in at about 10g (which in salt terms, is a lot!!)
As far as mommy is concerned, she's able to stay awake until way after 9pm now, and she feels the energy levels rising (which is good, seeing that she's handing in her doctorate in 9 weeks...).  She had an energetic and a moody day all-in-one last week, which left her with a headache the next day, so she's dumping the moodiness.  In fact, mommy is ridding herself of any negative forces...she is even ignoring the article she read in a stupid magazine that having a copious amount of alcohol just before and just after conception increases the chance of a "haaslip" (harelip? Lapin, not hänchen...) baby...Oh, and as far as those scary stories are concerned, since Tito made the 10 week mark, the chances of Tito not meeting us in real life went from 15% to a mere 3%! 
So, shall we have a Killepitch on Tito for making it thus far?!

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