Welcome, Wilkommen, Welkom

what initially started as a blog for those south africans that could not attend our german wedding, developed into a tito developing blog and then a georgbiography. it is, well, whatever.

ps. if you were sent here by natasha, this is entry she wants you to read.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Die Flitterwochen ist vorbei

Dear all,

I have received some grumpy emails with demands of more photos while I was busking in the sun in Croatia. So, even though I only have a few photos of the wedding, I will post them all indiscriminately. I'm still waiting for the ones where I look only pretty... and the ones where I look, well, like a bride that had the wedding of her life should look like at 4 a.m.

Happy peeking,

Die (still happy) Braud

Frank Schuster's photos

Ewer's photos

Jen's photos

Du Plessis' photos

Andreas Lindauer's Photos

The Really Late Night Photos

ps. the honeymoon was equally fabulous, and now that I have the hang of it, I will see if I can blog some photos of that too. I hope to have an Elmien-style report with some more pictures on my facebook profile soon...

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